Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Holly, Alice and James go to out of space!

Monday 10th March 2014

Holly, Alice and James from the dance team went along to The Mighty Creative’s event in Leicester, Embedding creativity in the Primary Curriculum. We were very excited to find that the venue for the conference was in fact the National Space Centre itself! Amazed as we walked in we were ushered into a theatre where we felt like astronauts straight away, gazing up to the sky in recycling chairs. 

Starting the morning off with keynote speakers such as Emma Trounson – Professional Choral conductor, who taught us to sing and sing in a round as a group. Also, we heard from Jason Wilsher Mills – Bluejayway Digital Arts, Gary Halliday – UK Film School and Liz Macfarlane.

We were then split off into the workshops we had selected for the day. Holly and Alice went along to the new Primary Curriculum. Holly and Alice learnt about the overall changes in the primary curriculum and how there is now more freedom within the framework as to how to deliver it. There is more intention on finding new and interesting ways of delivering it but contacting specialists in different areas to help with this. James went to a workshop based on delivering dance through the PE and Sport Premium funding, where he found more information about the fund and it’s potential. 

After a networking lunch Holly, Alice and James went together to their next workshop Dance in the Curriculum. Alice was shocked to find that the session was actually in fact a practical one. However, she got her moves out and represented the artsNK Dance team very well! Within the workshop we learnt about different ways you can teach the curriculum through the use of dance. We looked into the 3 main core subjects of Maths, English and Science. It gave Holly and James lots of new ideas to try when working in Primary Schools.

For the last workshop of the day Holly, Alice and James explored the space centre! Acting like very excited children the 3 went off to explore. Did you know that if you put the planets into water the only one that would float would be Saturn? Fun fact of the day! Also, they would recommend a ride on the simulator! 

All in all the day was a very productive and successful one, taking away a greater insight into the Primary Curriculum and how we as artists can have our own creative input within the educational setting.

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